

You can find the latest information about us on this website, this is informative website about our brand and company. our company is constantly evolving and growing. Therefore, you can find rapidly changes on this website with the passage of time. We provide wide range of e-commerce services. We are medium size global e-commerce company.

MySana is an entity for e-commerce & digital era, it is a brand & digital store, based in Pakistan and owned by MySana (Pvt) Limited, launched digitally and globally in 2015.


MySana (Pvt) Limited is a group, 
 has been incorporated under the Companies Act, 2017 (XIX of 2017) of Securities & Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP), has a lot of child digital stores, brands, and digital services so far, the mainly and as a benchmark, we have first brand and digital store is MySana.


MySana as digital store has been selling unique accessories in all categories, through different digital merchants’ platforms including Amazon and Marketplaces since 2017. It is now being extended gradually and going to launch accessories with own label "MySana"


MySana as brand is also opening own global digital marketplace, which is already in queue, will be launched soon through this website.

 Mission & Vision


MySana immensely creates a better everyday life for many people, who believe in one window shopping digitally, can never compromise with quality in order to provide best product.

MySana has aim to be world most retailer digital store, to provide a place where people can come to find, discover, and connect anything, they could easily buy digitally with "customer-centric company".

 Managing Director Message


On behalf of the Board of Directors, I am Syed, I am Managing Director of MySana (Pvt) Limited, First I would like to thank our valuable clientele, reliable digital merchants, and valuable wholesaler, Vendor, & Manufacturer. We have been trying our best to satisfy customers in term of authenticity of goods and quality since we launched our brand "MySana". Our passion is to be provided our customers with best digital shopping platforms in order to fulfil their desired needs.

We recently extended our business and employees to address great demand of digital business across world.

We appointed Mr.Muhammad Naved as Director Digital Business and Strategy, Mr.Ali as CEO of MySana (Pvt) Ltd, Miss Riija as brand ambassador for MySana, and Miss Ramal as Digital and Social Media Marketing Manager, We congratulate them, and have hope, they must give their best to achieve our mission & vision.

We promise with our valuable customers across world, we will never compromise our slogan:

"Smarter Digital Choice"